Frequently Asked Questions

What is a System of Care?

“System of Care” or “SOC” is a philosophy which embraces the idea that youth and families can and should have an active role in how systems serve them. This includes community based services that are individualized, strengths based and empowering to youth and families. A System of Care addresses the needs of youth through effective family, youth, and cross system partnerships and collaboration across agencies. System of Care Core Values are:

  • Family driven and youth guided
  • Cross system collaboration
  • Community based
  • Culturally and linguistically competent

What is the TR v Quigley and Teeter (formerly Dreyfus and Porter) Settlement Agreement?

The TR v Quigley Settlement Agreement is a legal document stating objectives to develop and successfully implement a five-year plan that delivers Wraparound with Intensive Services (WISe) and supports statewide, and is consistent with Washington State’s Children’s Behavioral Health Principles.

What are Wraparound with Intensive Services (WISe)?

